Monday, February 1, 2010

Painted warbands armies from our games

Hey Eric here,
I thought that since the warbands is officially going to start and people are really coming along on painting their armies. that are really looking spectacular I would start to take some close ups of all the really cool paint schemes and armies that I have seen hit the table at the store. There have also been some that are just really cool fantasy models from bigger games like stegadons ,Dragons and hydras.
Hopefully this gives other players an incentive to get there stuff painted as well as put together.

Also if you are a new player or hobbyist This may be a good source of painting tips and tricks of how to get your army battle worthy.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Eric. Now I am going to have to start painting the Brettonians as well as working on my Tyranids.
